Your Spiritual Trademark

Your Spiritual Trademark is the seed within in you that carries your DNA, the code of your authenticity, uniqueness and gifts to fulfill your true purpose in this world.

It is your unique identification in the world.

It shapes who you are from your contributions and the appreciation of the gifts you have been given to make this world a safe and vibrant place for all.

  • How can you make sense of your life and thrive in volatile, complex and ambigious times of accelerated pace and change when you feel misaligned with work and life?
  • How can you attract what you truly want when you live in fear and act from a place of fear?
  • How can you think clearly and make key decisions when you doubt your capabilities and feel like a fraud or impostor?
  • How can you face every new day when you are questioning what life is all about?
  • What else is there when you feel uninspired and empty inside despite having achieved great success?

Imagine a life where … ???

  • You start your day energized. As you leave your home for a brisk walk in nature you take in the fresh, crisp morning air and beautiful sunshine.
  • You are grounded in who you are. You enjoy your new way of being consistently relaxed, congruent and present.
  • Your workday is effortless. You love the balance and variety of work scheduled to make best use of your prime time.
  • You are aligned with your authenticity and purpose. You notice how invigorating it feels to be free to create your life and co-create the world you want to live in
  • Your relationships are moving to a higher level. You treasure time with family, friends, and clients.

The Spiritual Trademark Process

You engage in a deep explorative process where you identify and clearly articulate your uniqueness code, your innate purpose and your core identity. You discover who you are, what you are authentically dedicated to and the outcome of your dedication.

Combined, these become your compass that guide all your choices and decisions as you move through life.  It serves as the core foundation and anchor for how you live your life, build your career, and express your entrepreneurial or social entrepreneurial leadership by living your highest vision.

Benefits of being anchored in Your Spiritual Trademark

  • You have the core foundation on which to build your personal and professional life
  • You have a clear sense of where you belong in an ambigious and rapidly changing world.
  • You enjoy a renewed trust in your self-worth and your capabilities.
  • You experience a quiet inner confidence that impacts all areas of your life.
  • You feel inspired by your higher purpose, the expression of your unique gifts, and your contribution to the world.
  • You approach life with renewed energy and vitality.
  • Your inner compass guides your choices and decisions throughout life.

If you would like to enrol in Your Spiritual Trademark or know more about it, please contact me today to schedule a 30 minute obligation-free strategy session.

* This program is based on the core Personal Branding DNA™ program, founded and originated by Genece Hamby.

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