Personal Branding DNA ™ Certification

Personal Branding DNA™ Certification gives you the essential tools for helping people to be future-ready in an uncertain and rapidly changing world where the work they will engage in, throughout their lifetime, has not been created yet.

Future-ready means being co-creators of their own lives and the world they want to live in. Their work and life is an expression of their innate purpose and unique gifts with global impact, hence they clearly know where they belong.

The Pre-requisite for the Personal Branding DNA™ Certification is the completion of the Personal Branding DNA™ Program and the successful development of your authentic personal brand.

As you work through the process of developing your authentic personal brand you will intuitively know whether you want to add Personal Branding DNA™ to your suite of programs and services.

Personal Branding DNA™ Certification Process

Undertaking the Personal Branding DNATM Certification Process involves the following:

  • Meet with the Founder and Originator of the Personal Branding DNA™ Certification Program and the Personal Branding DNA™ Master Certified Mentor Coach.
  • Participate in 4 x weekly telephone Personal Branding DNA™ concept sessions.
  • Be mentored as you take your ‘training’ client through the 12-Step Personal Branding DNA™ Program.
  • Complete the two part Certification Assessment – one written; one practical.

Complete the Certification Process within 9 months from the first concept session to the completion of the final certification assessment.

Highly Recommended

During the Personal Branding DNA™ process you will take clients to deep levels of discovery where your ability to listen, challenge, and draw out truth and deliver insights are paramount. It requires you to be grounded in the principles and practices of coaching and facilitation. For these reasons we highly recommend that you are an experienced facilitator or professional coach.


We acknowledge that becoming certified in Personal Branding DNA™ is a significant investment and here is a good way to think about it. By the time you reach the certification level you will have experienced first hand the significant impact Personal Branding DNA™ is having on you and your life. You will feel inspired by the possibility of being able to offer this transformational program as part of your suite of programs and services. You will see the opportunity to regain the return on your investment quickly.

If what you read resonates with you, and you would like to learn more about the Personal Branding DNA™ Certification process contact me today for a 30—minute obligation-free strategy session.

Founder and Originator

* Personal Branding DNATM  and the certification process is the brainchild of founder, Genece Hamby, who believes that when you architect what is genuinely unique about you, you can liken it to the uniqueness of the DNA in your body.

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